08-13-2023 FRIDAY
Freshest cool air
Drizzling but not light enough to disappoint
Saw the prettiest black and white woodpecker and a northern flicker (the bird my previous cc english teacher talked about liking to watch!! i saw it!!! i get it so much theyre so pretty and i love the sounds they make! marvelous.)
Chipmunk friends and a solitary honeybee
Sat up from my special fallen tree perch (RIP to the branches and bark I have destroyed on it) to find a cute little stinkbug (maybe a nymph? it was so small and oddly colored...) on my shirt. Let it onto my fingers and it flew off. Red?????

11-30-2023 Thursday
Angelic wintery brightness
Prints proofing the existence of people, dogs, birds, deer, squirrels. So many, many lives. Found footprints leading to the tree perch; snow brushed off at the bottom of it.
Energetic black squirrel scurring across with something in its mouth
Two golden leaves glitering from the sun in a dead landscape. Brittle stems and brambles from what once was a field of yellow petals. Reminded of flowers I didn't take cuttings of or didnt't watch closely enough.
Took a closer look at the trail. Lichen & tree huggers clinging tightly. Fallen branch held by others, dappled with disease or missing bark. Mushrooms fused strongly to stumps, resting on the precipice of death together.
squirrel fence mushrooms l1 l2 l3

02-01-2024 Thursday